From the Pastor’s Desk (Page 10)

This morning at our Men’s Bible Study, we got into the 8th chapter of the Gospel of Mark. It’s kind of a strange chapter, because it begins with ANOTHER “feeding of the multitude” story. In Mark 6, we JUST read about the first “feeding of the multitude”. What’s the deal? Did Mark forget he JUST told one of these? Do we really need two of them, especially so similar – and so close to one another?   In Mark 6, Jesus takes five loaves and two fish,

I hope you’re well.  We just had a great early evening of prayer here at Central on our “front porch” for Prayer on the Porch, and Sunday we enjoyed a great kickoff to our Good News at the Gazebo concerts.  I encourage you to attend both of those events next time, as they are well worth your time. I want to also take a moment and especially thank Kelly Taylor for opening her home this summer for “Prayer by the Pool”.

This morning, we hosted the funeral service for Doris Reynolds. It was a lovely morning. Talk about a woman who was well loved, deeply revered for her faith, and was known for her generous love in every way. The words ‘legacy’, ‘example’, and ‘witness’ were used quite a bit this morning! After the wonderful eulogy given by her daughter Julie, there was an open time to say something or share a story about Doris. One story stood out to me that

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