From the Pastor’s Desk

This Sunday, we will wrap up our “Need to Know” series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. I gotta be honest though: we could spend another few months on Philippians. There’s so many little themes, points, and details that we’ve only barely touched on in the Sunday messages…I feel like we’re missing out on the riches of what Paul wrote!  So here’s a bit more from chapter 3 that we won’t get to cover on a Sunday.   Last week, I

As I said in last week’s Central Thoughts blog, we’re in the middle of a Sunday series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians – and we just don’t have enough time to talk about everything. Last Sunday, for instance, I ended the sermon by talking about Phil. 3:10 and how all Paul wants is to “know Christ and the power of his resurrection” – and explained how Christ’s story IS our true story, and when we know Christ, we become transformed by the power

On Sundays, we’re in the middle of a series from Paul’s letter to the Philippians. We’re looking at a few different moments where Paul tells us things we “need to know” to have a faith that can survive and thrive in the midst of a challenging world. Unfortunately, however, we don’t have time to look at every last verse (or else the series would be VERY long!), so we have to skip over a few things. I want to highlight one thing

A guest blog by Rebecca DeLucia, Next Generation Pastor Have you ever met someone whose faith is so astounding it leaves an impression on you, maybe it even challenges you? I imagine that Rahab was one of those people for the two spies in Jericho. She certainly ought to be for us, as we read her story in Central Reads today. The Israelites had just wandered the desert for 40 years because of their lack of faith in the God whom they saw first-hand

This last week or so was a busy one. We had the Juneteenth Celebration at St. Paul’s, our first Summer Hang Out at the Sandbox, Onwards & Upwards on Sunday, and a wild power-knocking-out storm (the church lost a few roof shingles…not too bad!).  What a week!I want to remind you that this Sunday is our next All In New Members Class.  If you’re thinking of becoming a member at Central, looking to learn more about the church and membership, or

When the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people gathered around Aaron, and said to him, “Come, make gods for us, who shall go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.” Exodus 32:1 Today, in our Central Reads 2024 bible reading plan, we read the (in)famous story of the golden calf. It is a foundational story that,

A guest post by Rebecca DeLucia, Next Generation Pastor  In 2015, I was teaching second grade at a small Christian school and our Bible curriculum for the year walked through Genesis and Exodus. During our Bible Reading Plan this week I was reminded of an activity we did together. As a class we were discussing Exodus 3:13 in which God tells Moses, “I AM WHO I AM” and I asked these 7 and 8 year olds what they thought I AM

As you know, this Sunday was our first ever “Block Party”. The weather was beautiful, the food was delicious, and the time we had was great. We learned a lot about what to do next time, what to change, what to keep the same. I’m wired to think that everything can always be better – so I’m always thinking and looking out for ways to make that happen (and I’m all ears – please hit me up with ideas, improvements, innovations!). I’ve been

Jesus loved a good party. He was happy to be the guest of honor at Levi’s party. He demanded a party at Zacchaeus’ house. In his mind, the only proper response to finding what was lost (whether a coin, a sheep, or a son) is to party (“we had to celebrate” – Luke 15:32). He gave instructions on how to act at a party and then told a parable about one (Luke 14). His first miracle was to save a party (John 2)!  I

What a gorgeous day! Hopefully you can get out today and enjoy it a bit.  First things first – this Monday is Memorial Day, and we’re marching in the parade again – so check out those details below.Last Sunday, we kicked off a new series on forgiveness called Easier Said Than Done. We heard about what forgiveness is, and why it truly is ‘easier said than done’. It costs a lot, as we learn to absorb the cost in forgiveness.

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