From the Pastor's Desk Jesus. Party Time. Excellent.

Jesus. Party Time. Excellent.

Jesus loved a good party.

He was happy to be the guest of honor at Levi’s party. He demanded a party at Zacchaeus’ house. In his mind, the only proper response to finding what was lost (whether a coin, a sheep, or a son) is to party (“we had to celebrate” – Luke 15:32). He gave instructions on how to act at a party and then told a parable about one (Luke 14). His first miracle was to save a party (John 2)!

I think Jesus loved parties for two main reasons.

First, because the lost are being found.
Celebration is in order. The King of the Kingdom – the Bridegroom – is here after all. Through his ministry, death was being destroyed. He knew from a young age that one of the most inspiring and enduing images of the time when God will heal all things – when death will be destroyed forever – is that of a party (Isaiah 25:6-9). Party for God’s renewal was in his DNA. Celebration for and in the Kingdom of God should be in our DNA as Jesus followers.
Second, because of who might be found there.
Sometimes, there were guests of high esteem – who looked, acted, and believed all the right ways. But more often, there were guests of low esteem, questionable character, or downright ‘sinners’ – and Jesus seemed to love to be with these people. He seemed to love that, by his presence, he could lift them up.

Ok, three reasons: Jesus loved parties because of who might be “found” there: the lost.

Even in Sunday’s message (from Luke 7), we heard about a party that Jesus was at where the guest with the least honor (the “woman in the city, a sinner”) was given the most honor. She was “found” there. 
So when we throw the Block Party on Sunday, I hope it’s in the same spirit of Jesus. A time of celebration of God’s Kingdom that spills over into our neighbors’ lives. An event where people of all different shapes and sizes and character and esteem can come together, and be lifted up by Jesus’ warm welcome and embrace.
When we host the Block Party on Sunday, let’s think in those terms: about loving our neighbors, celebrating what God is doing, and maybe, just maybe, some lost can be found because of it.

Please join me in praying for that for this Sunday.

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