Join us on Sundays at 9:30AM
Read the Bible with us!
We believe that the bible tells the one true story of the world - a story that leads to Jesus. And since at Central, Jesus is central, it means that it's well worth reading. But we know that reading the bible can be pretty tough - so why not do it with us, and stick to a plan?!? That's what we're doing in 2024, and we invite you to do with us. Check out the plan, insights, resources, and more at the link below.
Talking About on Sundays
Following the Lamb
In a World of Donkeys & Elephants
Religion and politics: the two things you're not supposed to talk about. Well guess what? We're talking about them both, starting Sunday September 15th. The question that we're going to ask is not 'who should we vote for?', or 'what should I think about this or that policy?', or anything like that. The question we're going to ask is, ``how do we faithfully follow Jesus in our politically divided and divisive world?`` So whatever side of the political fence you find yourself on (or maybe you're on the fence just hoping it all ends!), we invite you to join us. It'll be sure to challenge, inspire, offend (hopefully only a little!), and most importantly, point you towards Following the Lamb in a World of Donkeys & Elephants.
Our Most Recent Sermons
September 1, 2024
Series: What Made Jesus Mad?
Speaker: Matt Agresti
Topic: Death , Following Jesus , Life with a Capital L , Resurrection , Voice of Hope
Book: Mark
When someone dies, we not only get sad – but we also get mad. And so did Jesus. Because Jesus knew what we forget: we’re not supposed to die; we’re supposed to live. For Jesus, his anger fuels his compassion. Does if for us? Check it out today!
August 25, 2024
Series: What Made Jesus Mad?
There are times where, in the face of human suffering, other things precedence: rules, protocols, traditions, selfishness, and so on. But what it leads to is more suffering – not helping when you could help. And guess what? It made Jesus mad. In today’s message, we see a story of Jesus’ anger that is as illuminating as it is challenging. Don’t miss it.
August 18, 2024
Series: What Made Jesus Mad?
You know what makes Jesus mad? When people are made to feel – and be – ‘less than’. It happened a lot in Jesus’ day, and probably just as much today. Join us to hear more!
A bit about us
Who are we?
Central Baptist Church is an intergenerational congregation in the heart of Atlantic Highlands, NJ – that has been here for over 125 years. We are not a perfect people, but we’re a warm, kind, and generous community. We’d love for you to join us and ‘come and see’ for yourself.
We blend contemporary and traditional elements of worship into our services; preserving our faith history while embracing new traditions in worship. We love kids, and are excited to be growing our kids programs. We are affiliated with the American Baptist Churches – New Jersey and the American Baptist Churches – USA.
What matters here?
What is ‘central’ at Central? Jesus. He is our center, as we seek to live our lives by faith in him, to be known by the way we love like him, and to echo him by being a voice of hope in the world. This is what matters here at Central.
Why are we here?
We are here because we believe that Jesus Christ is the hope of the world – a world that God so deeply and profoundly loves – and through churches like ours, God shares his love with the world. So we are here to share his love, to bear witness to his amazing grace, and as he calls us to, to love our neighbors.
Central Learns is an after school program that we are excited to launch, providing space for kids K-12 to come and get homework help, tutoring, and enrichment by former educators and other skilled volunteers. Starting in February of 2024, it is every Wednesday from 3-5PM, and is free for all. Register and find out more details using the link below.
Upcoming Events
Central Happenings
Looking for a Nursery Caregiver!
We're excited to be growing our Sunday morning staff! Currently, we are looking for a nursery attendant
Back to Life
Last week, my friend who moved to Texas posted about how, no matter where in the world
Questions Matter
Questions have been on my mind recently. Let me clarify: it’s not that I have questions that
More Than Enough To Go Around
Today’s reading in our Central Reads 2024 bible reading plan is a bit of a tough one…at first glance.
Act On It.
In this week’s readings from the bible reading plan, we finished the sermon on the mount on Monday
A Baptism Refresher.
The upcoming baptisms on Sunday have been a catalyst for a lot of conversations in our house