At Central,
it is Jesus who is central.
He is our starting point, and where everything points to.
He is our destination, and he is our journey.
He is our Lord, and he is also our Friend.
He is everything, and he changes everything.
As he told us, he came that we might have life – and have it abundantly. Life with a capital L. It’s the life – on either side of eternity – that we’re all longing for and seeking out, whether we know it or not, whether we’d call it that or not. It’s the life that we were made for. We hunger, and he is the bread that satisfies. We thirst, and he is the water that quenches.
So we seek him in order to follow after him. We are devoted to him, looking to be formed by him, so that we might imitate him in the world.
Your next step might simply be to take a next step along that path of following after Jesus.
Depending on who you are and where you are,
- it might be to simply get acquainted with who he is, what he did, and why he matters for us,
- it might be to place your trust in him, confess him as your Lord and Savior, and be baptized into him
- it might be to step deeper into a relationship with him, practicing what it means to ‘live by faith’ in him,
- it might be to take him seriously in areas of life that you’ve previously held back from him,
- it might be to take on a new calling, meaning, and direction from him all together.
Following Jesus, in some ways, is a one-size-fits all pathway because we are all simply taking steps behind the same Jesus. But in other ways, it’s as different as you are from anyone else – because your journey and road look different. And that’s ok. We can figure that out together. That’s pretty much what the church is all about.
So wherever you are – or aren’t – in the path of following Jesus, we want to invite you to come and follow Jesus with us.
Reach out to us if you want to talk more about it. We hope you do.