Summer Gazebo Worship Services
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Summer Gazebo Worship Services

This August (and 9/1), we’ll be taking our worship back outdoors to the Atlantic Highlands Harbor Gazebo (right at the end of 1st Ave, on Simon Lake Dr.)! Why not take advantage of this beautiful town, our beautiful harbor, and a beautiful summer?!

We’ll do it every Sunday in August (except for the 11th), as well as September 1st. We’ll have a kids class and nursery, as well as free bagels afterwards. These services are excellent opportunities for people who might want to come worship with us, but who might not be ready to come to a church building.

This summer, we’re going to be asking the question, “What Made Jesus Mad?” He didn’t get mad very often, but when he did, it was always because people were being kept from God. We can’t wait to talk about it together.

Bring sunglasses, water, and some friends!

The services are weather permitting, and will move back to Central in case of rain. This year, we’re planning on putting together some better shade options as well!

Event Details
08. 18. 2024.
9:30 am - 10:30 am
Harbor Gazebo
Simon Lake Dr
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