
December Parents’ Night Out

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Have an out of this world (Christmas themed!) date night! Let's face it: parenting can be kind of tiring, finding babysitters can be tough to find, and often, we neglect our marriages because of it. We know that's what it can be like!  So why don't you drop the kids off with us for a few hours, and go and have an out of this world date night?!? Or - let's be honest - use the time to do some…

Christmas Connect Gift Giving

This December, we'll be shopping, wrapping, and delivering gifts for Christmas for 4 families throughout the Bayshore region! We're excited to participate in this "Christmas Connect" program again (run by Love Thy Neighbor). So on December 14, we'll be shopping together at Target in Middletown at 6:30PM.   If you'd like, we'll meet at the church first (at 5:30) to have some pizza together. Anyone who'd like pizza first is welcome - just let us know so that we know how much to order!   We'll wrap on…

Christmas Celebration

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

On Sunday, December 17th, we'll do our annual Christmas pageant with all the kids during the service (contact Rebecca for more info), and then have a Christmas party together afterwards (food, games, treats, and much more!)...we may even have a special guest come! It's a great Sunday together - so make sure you don't miss it!

Christmas Eve Services

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year, so we'll be doing TWO services: at 9:30AM and at 5:00PM. Each will have a different sermon, but both will have a lot of Christmas comfort and joy. We'd love for you to be at one (or both), and bring others along as well!

AMA: Off the Shelf

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

In January, we're doing a mini-series on what the bible is, how to read it, how not to read it, and what it does to us when we do read it...and with that will come a lot of questions. So after the service on January 21, we invite you to join us back in the sanctuary at 11AM for an "AMA" (Ask Me Anything) with Matt. You can ask him anything...but there's no guarantee he'll know all the answers!  But…

SWAG: Super Wildly Awesome GAME NIGHT

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Join us in the Central basement on Friday, February 16 at 6:30PM for a GAME NIGHT...a Super Wildly Awesome Game Night (SWAG Night!!!). Video games, board games, other games - whatever you want to bring, play, watch, and so on...oh, and delicious snacks as well.  We'll have stuff for people of all ages, so whoever you are - you are invited, welcome, and wanted!   Bring as many people as you can!

A.M.A. (Ask Matt Anything)

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

On Sunday, February 18th at 11AM, we'll be holding another "AMA" session (Ask Matt Anything), this time, in relation to the "Between the Trees" series, the story of scripture so far, and so on. If you have questions about the story of the bible (and who doesn't?!?), this is a great time to start asking. We can't promise Matt will have all the answers - but - we promise it's a good space to start asking questions and seeking answers…

Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt & Party!

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

This year, we'll be hosting a super-fun Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt! Kids will get flashlights and go on an egg hunt in the dark, searching for eggs of different colors and designs. It's a really fun time. Once your child completes the egg hunt, there'll be crafts, treats, and more. New egg hunts begin every 10-15 minutes (as soon as we can reset the room). Feel free to come whenever you can, and stay for as long…

Good Friday Worship Service

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Friday March 29 | 7PM On Good Friday, we will have a special worship service to remember the death of Jesus, celebrating the Lord’s Supper together and proclaiming his death for us. Childcare through Kindergarten is provided. All are welcome.

Easter Sunrise Service

Harbor Gazebo Simon Lake Dr, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE Sunday March 31 | 6:30AM With other area churches, celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at sunrise on Easter at the A/H Harbor Gazebo. Bring a blanket and something warm. All are welcome, so invite some folks along!   In case of rain, the sunrise service would move to Central Baptist Church (28 E. Highland Ave). We'd notify you via Facebook in case of rain.

April Parents’ Night Out

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Have an out of this world date night! Let's face it: parenting can be kind of tiring, finding babysitters can be tough to find, and often, we neglect our marriages because of it. We know that's what it can be like!  So why don't you drop the kids off with us for a few hours, and go and have an out of this world date night?!?   Our team of responsible, seasoned child-care givers will have a great time with…

Town-Wide Yard Sale

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

This year, Central is back participating in the Town Wide Yard Sale on May 4th! We're going to open the building for bathroom use (as frequently sought after by yard-sailors!), give out popcorn and flavor-ice, and sell some items out of our 'yard'. All proceeds will go to the AACC Food Pantry. (Really, what this is, is a chance for us to get to know and engage with our Atlantic Highlands neighbors!) So, we're asking you to.... 1. Donate items for us to sell. Any time this week, bring any…

We'd love for you to

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Let us know some info, and we'll follow up with you asap. If you have questions, need prayer, or want to take a next step of faith at Central, let us know below.
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