
April Parents’ Night Out

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Have an out of this world date night! Let's face it: parenting can be kind of tiring, finding babysitters can be tough to find, and often, we neglect our marriages because of it. We know that's what it can be like!  So why don't you drop the kids off with us for a few hours, and go and have an out of this world date night?!?   Our team of responsible, seasoned child-care givers will have a great time with…

Town-Wide Yard Sale

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

This year, Central is back participating in the Town Wide Yard Sale on May 4th! We're going to open the building for bathroom use (as frequently sought after by yard-sailors!), give out popcorn and flavor-ice, and sell some items out of our 'yard'. All proceeds will go to the AACC Food Pantry. (Really, what this is, is a chance for us to get to know and engage with our Atlantic Highlands neighbors!) So, we're asking you to.... 1. Donate items for us to sell. Any time this week, bring any…

Block Party

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

We've been here at the corner of 3rd and E. Highland Ave in Atlantic Highlands for over 100 years...we think it's time for a block party*! So on Sunday June 2nd, we're going to host one! It'll start at 2PM and go until around 5PM. If you live in this (general) area, we'd love to have you come and hang out, eat and drink and play. ALL are welcome. We'll have burgers and dogs and whatnot, along with games for…

We'd love for you to

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