
Equip: (How To) Bible

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

We're digging into the bible to kick off this year. On Sundays in January, we're digging into how to take the bible "Off the Shelf" - asking what is it, how to read it, and what it's meant to do to us. We're also having an AMA session (Ask Me Anything) about the bible - so get those questions in!. And so in the first Equip session of the new year, we want to go even further into understanding the…

AMA: Off the Shelf

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

In January, we're doing a mini-series on what the bible is, how to read it, how not to read it, and what it does to us when we do read it...and with that will come a lot of questions. So after the service on January 21, we invite you to join us back in the sanctuary at 11AM for an "AMA" (Ask Me Anything) with Matt. You can ask him anything...but there's no guarantee he'll know all the answers!  But…

Christmas Eve Services

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year, so we'll be doing TWO services: at 9:30AM and at 5:00PM. Each will have a different sermon, but both will have a lot of Christmas comfort and joy. We'd love for you to be at one (or both), and bring others along as well!

Christmas Celebration

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

On Sunday, December 17th, we'll do our annual Christmas pageant with all the kids during the service (contact Rebecca for more info), and then have a Christmas party together afterwards (food, games, treats, and much more!)...we may even have a special guest come! It's a great Sunday together - so make sure you don't miss it!

December Parents’ Night Out

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Have an out of this world (Christmas themed!) date night! Let's face it: parenting can be kind of tiring, finding babysitters can be tough to find, and often, we neglect our marriages because of it. We know that's what it can be like!  So why don't you drop the kids off with us for a few hours, and go and have an out of this world date night?!? Or - let's be honest - use the time to do some…

Light It Up! After Party

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

After the Atlantic Highlands Christmas Tree lighting, come back to the Central basement and party with us: hot chocolate bar, games, treats, surprises, and more. Be there!

Hanging of the Greens

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Come and decorate Central Baptist with us! 9AM, with breakfast served, we're going to listen to some Christmas tunes, deck the halls, and make the building merry and bright. We'd love to see you!

All In: a New Members Class

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

On Sunday,  November 5th after the service, we'll hold "All In" - a new members class.  We'll talk about the vision and identity of Central, what it means to be a member, what we believe, how things work, and much much more.  If you're looking to become a member at Central, or just hoping to learn more about Central, we'd love for you to join us. Please RSVP by letting Matt know you'll be coming (for preparation/planning purposes). There'll be an…

Halloween Tricks & Pics

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Come to Central on Halloween for full size candy bars, and a pro-photographer taking Halloween pics for you!  

EQUIP: (More) Hide & Seek

How do we reach out to people with the good news of Jesus, in today's day and age? How do we share our faith? What does evangelism look like in our world? To answer these very current questions, we're going to continue to seek out some very ancient answers from the very first evangelists. Join us on Monday October 23 at 7PM for this Equip seminar!

October Prayer on the Porch

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

On Tuesday October 10, we will participate in Prayer on the Porch: an opportunity for the churches of Atlantic Highlands to come together and pray for our town. We'd love for you to join us. It's at 6:30PM, right here at Central!

Ladies’ Night Out

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

On Friday September 8 at 7PM, Linda Koretic* is inviting all of your ladies to a "Ladies' Night Out". It'll be at Central in the fellowship hall, and will be a time of fellowship, sharing, and devotion to God. We'd love for you to show up. If you're able to, bring a dessert to share as well! Contact Linda for more. *For those of you who might not know Linda, Linda is a long-time member at Central who now lives in South…

We'd love for you to

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Let us know some info, and we'll follow up with you asap. If you have questions, need prayer, or want to take a next step of faith at Central, let us know below.
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