
Event Series Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Join us men of Central Baptist at 7:30AM on Wednesday mornings for scripture study, prayer, and breakfast afterwards (if you're able!). It's a great time, with great men, filled with great insights, digging into a great book. We'd love to have you.   The study is led by Matt.

Event Series Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Central Baptist Church 28 East Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Join some women from Central Baptist Church as we open scripture and study the bible together. Whether you're a bible expert or a bible newcomer - we'd love to have you. We take some time to talk, share, and pray for each other as well. Tuesday mornings from 10:30-noon. The study and time together is led by Matt.

We'd love for you to

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