From the Pastor's Desk A Busy May…

A Busy May…

 I hope you’re enjoying this beautiful day. Try to get outside and enjoy this fantastic day. May is a busy month for us at Central – and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

Last Saturday was the Town Wide Yard Sale – and it was such a great day. The headline is that, thanks to your generosity and serving, we raised a bit over $350 for the AACC Food Pantry! Awesome. But perhaps more important, we had a great day meeting some neighbors and making new friends in town. For a church like us, this sort of fun, engaging, and loving public witness goes a long way to showing folks in town that we are here FOR them.

The unspoken message is we’re out there giving out free Flavor-Ice, laughing and joking together, and giving hefty discounts – because we believe that Jesus loves them, and wants them to know and follow him. It’s ‘seed-scattering’ that, if God desires it to, will one day bear fruit. 

Tonight is our first ever “Equip” seminar – designed to help us understand (and so de-stigmatize) mental illness…so that we can love our friends, family, and neighbors better who struggle in this way. As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we figured this was a perfect way to kick off the Equip seminars. It’s at 7PM, and I’m really looking forward to it – as well as future Equip seminars like it. We’ll have coffee, tea, and water available for you. Please come and be a part of it!

This Friday night is another Parents’ Night Out…at last check, we have over 15 kids signed up! At least one family we met at the Yard Sale signed up – so we’re very excited about that. Like the Yard Sale, this is another opportunity to show folks in town that we are FOR them. Please pray for the night – and for the volunteers who are looking after the kids!

The last thing I want to tell you about is the Memorial Day Parade!

We’re doing it again this year! Last year, it was one of the very first things my family and I did at Central – and it was a blast. We’d love for you to come and march with us.

Again – it was a good chance to show the folks of town that we are here, that we’re active, and that we are FOR them. It’s a small, but important, moment for more public witness – so let’s get out there together!

So here’s some details for it:

  1. If you want to sport a brand new Central t-shirt, we have them available for purchase. We’d love it if you wore one if you march with us in the parade! $10 – if you’re able.
  2. The parade is on Monday May 29 (Memorial Day) – and starts at 11AM, and we have to be in the harbor by 10:30AM.  SO – we’re meeting at Central and leaving by 10:10AM sharp!  If you have a vehicle to drive in the parade, I suggest getting to the harbor before 10:30AM so you don’t get shut out!
  3. We’d like to give out some lollypops and candy and such – so if you’re going to Costco, BJs, or the Lolly-Pop Depot, please pick up a bag or two to give out! 
  4. After the parade is over, we invite you – and anyone else you can invite! invite! invite! – to the basement for some delicious ice pops, Flavor-Ice, and water. Bring some friends, neighbors, families, and townsfolk. We’ll have a fun time.

As I’ve asked you in the past: please keep praying for the mission, vision, and direction of Central.

As I said on Sunday, we are here on the corner of 3rd and E. Highland for God’s good purposes – for the purpose of His Kingdom come in the Bayshore as it is in heaven. So let’s pray that God’s Kingdom would come in us and through us. Pray for all of our seed-scattering efforts – that they would bear fruit. Pray for a clear sense of vision and direction for our future. Pray for our leaders, deacons, and boards. And please pray for the Bayshore.

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