Looking for a Nursery Caregiver!
We're excited to be growing our Sunday morning staff! Currently, we are looking for a nursery attendant who can care for our littlest ones, as well as teach small lessons. Please check out the full role description here. If you, or someone you know is interested, contact our Next Generation Pastor, Rebecca DeLucia. VIEW THE ROLE DESCRIPTION
Back to Life
Last week, my friend who moved to Texas posted about how, no matter where in the world people from NJ are - even the most beautiful, awe inspiring places - they will still find a way to mention how NJ has pizza and all four seasons. Winter, though barren, brings hot cocoa and cozy evenings; it’s often a time of intentionality. Spring brings new life and fresh starts. This past Monday, we mourned the end of summer: the end of
Questions Matter
Questions have been on my mind recently. Let me clarify: it’s not that I have questions that have been plaguing my mind or anything…rather, it’s the idea and importance of questions that have been on my mind. Questions matter. I mean, take today’s bible plan reading of Matthew 21. The entire chapter is practically propelled forward by people asking questions about Jesus or directly to Jesus, or by Jesus posing questions back. When you read the Gospels, what you see is that a lot
Busy, Busy, Busy
A guest blog by Shawn Blythe. We are busy people. I know this because when somebody amicably asks me how things are going, my first instinct is to answer “Busy!” Whether it is true or not, that is the impression that I have of my life. Busy with home repairs, daily tasks, family visits, church responsibilities, hobbies, vacations, and a myriad of other activities that fill my calendar. The 19th chapter of Matthew always resonates with me because it also seems
More Than Enough To Go Around
Today’s reading in our Central Reads 2024 bible reading plan is a bit of a tough one…at first glance. There’s a story that, quite frankly, is difficult to understand – because of how out of place it seems for Jesus. It’s the one where a Canaanite woman comes to Jesus to have her daughter healed of a demon, and Jesus responds by basically saying that he’s only come for the lost sheep of Israel, and that it’s not right to give the