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A guest blog by Shawn Blythe. The Bible reading for this week includes Acts 10 and 11, which I always found interesting for a somewhat strange reason.  The author duplicates two passages in their entirety and I always wondered why. The story of the angel appearing to Cornelius is related to us directly in Acts 10:1-6, summarized in Acts 10:22, and then repeated verbatim in Acts 10:30-33.  The story of Peter’s vision is related to us directly in Acts 10:9-16, alluded to

This past Sunday, we reached the mid-point in our big winter Steps series called “Step In: Taking In the Message of Christ”. We talked about a BIG, BIG, BIG idea: grace. Grace is one of those big ideas that is so ‘everywhere’ in the bible – so ubiquitous – that it’s almost hard to define (and even harder to do in one short sermon!). Bouncing off of Romans 6:23, we heard that “What Went Right?” is that God has decided to restore

A guest blog, by Next Generation Pastor Rebecca DeLucia In our Discipleship Essentials book and our Step-Groups these past few weeks, we have spent time reading and reflecting on Genesis 1-2 - the creation narrative. In today’s Bible Reading Plan we read Acts 1, the beginnings of the early church. It is amazing to read these two passages of Scripture back to back and see the themes woven throughout both.  In Genesis we read the role of humanity in stewardship of creation, “God blessed

This past Sunday, we continued our winter series called “Step In: Taking In the Message of Christ”, all about “taking in” the big ideas of Christian faith so that we can believe – and live – differently. Last week, we asked the BIG question (who is God?), and this week we asked perhaps an even more asked question: Who are we? We talked about what it means that we’re made in the “image of God”. Basically, just as an idol or statue (or image)

This past Sunday, we kicked off our new winter series called “Step In: Taking In the Message of Christ”, all about “taking in” the big ideas of Christian faith so that we can believe – and live – differently. We started with perhaps the biggest idea of all – God, and the biggest question:  Who is God?  It’s important to ask that question that way (who is God?), rather than the other way it could be asked (what is God?). God is a who – more

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