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As you hopefully know by now, we have launched our Central Reads bible reading plan for 2024 where together as a church we will spend time reading Scripture, asking questions about it, and growing together. I (Rebecca) am excited for it. But I am even more excited about this:  It has also reignited our family ‘download’ time. When our kids were little, Danny and I would read them a Bible Story before bed - but as they got older and schedules got busier, we

Hello, and merry Christmas again! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was very nice, as it was a good time with family and friends. The Christmas Eve services at Central were a highlight for me as well, as we got to celebrate the birth of our Lord together, meet some new folks, and be reminded of the ‘bell’ that rung on that very first Christmas day to alert us that the Messiah has come.  Or as we sung…  Joy

This Sunday is the big one – not only is it the fourth Sunday of Advent (the theme of which is love) – but it’s also Christmas Eve!!! We’ll be doing two services this Sunday – one at 9:30AM, and one at 5PM. Each will be completely different services, different messages, and so on. We’ll have full childcare and classes at the 9:30AM service, but at the 5PM service, we will just be offering childcare up to 5 years old.  We’d

This Sunday will be the third Sunday of Advent – the theme of which is joy. As this week is the “joy” week, I want to invite you to check out the Bible Project’s Advent video on ‘joy’. It’s a good one – and fills in so much that is usually missing from our understanding of joy.We think of joy as a feeling, like happiness…and that is a part of it, but joy is so much more. Happiness is more

This marks the second week of Advent – the theme of which is peace. In our Advent bible study, we discussed the biblical use of the word “peace” (watch the video here to get it – it’s REALLY helpful!).   Peace is more than the absence of conflict.It’s wholeness, completeness, restoration.It is shalom.  As the video said, it’s not just two rival nations no longer at war; it’s the nations now working together. It’s not just letting go of hard feelings; it’s true

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