Have a Story to Share?
In case you missed it, last Sunday, Amanda and I got baptized at Central! It was an amazing morning. We were so glad to be surrounded by so many friends, both new and old – and so many people who have influenced our faith. It was a blessing, for us, and we hope it was for you too. It was great to be able to share our testimonies with you (if you missed them, watch them both!).
As Jared talked about on Sunday, our testimonies (i.e., our stories of how God works in our lives) are so important, and so powerful.
It’s because of other people’s testimony that we have a bible.
It’s because of other people’s testimony that we know about Jesus.
It’s because of other people’s testimony that we came to believe in Jesus for ourselves.
Each time I share my testimony, or help other people share theirs, it reminds me of their power and potential (hundreds and hundreds of people, for instance, have view our two testimonies on social media already!).
And it’s really made me think: we should have more testimonies shared.
Do you have a story that you want to share about what God has done in your life?
It doesn’t have to be a ‘conversion’ story (i.e., that’d be part of a baptism). It could be any story of how God has shown up, or how God has moved in your life, or how God has transformed you, or how you’ve seen God at work in the world. Though maybe you were baptized a while ago but you’d like to share your story again – we’d love to hear it! And as Jared said, we need to hear it, and your neighbor needs to hear it.
So share it.
If you have a story to share, please reach out to me – and we’ll figure out the best way for you to share it (maybe a video, maybe up front on a Sunday, maybe a blog post, and so on).
I’m excited that this Sunday, we’ll have a few more baptisms – which means a few more opportunities to hear about what God has done in people’s lives. You are definitely not going to want to miss this Sunday!
Plus, we’re having a brunch afterwards!
This is a great week to invite someone new to come to church with you. Pick them up and bring them if you have to!