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Series: From Root to Fruit

Series Details

From Root to Fruit

September / October, 2023

FROM ROOT TO FRUIT If we’re paying attention, one of the most famous and prominent parables that Jesus tells is quite chilling. In it, he says that we are more or less like four different kinds of soil, and that our faith is like a little plant that grows out of us…and here’s the chilling part: only one in four of us will make it! So the question his parable presses into us is, how do we become one that makes it? How do we become the ‘good soil’? How does faith grow in us, establishing a deep and strong root that can one day bear big and bold fruit? If you’re looking for a deeper and more fruitful faith, if you’re struggling with little faith, or even if faith is a big question mark for you, join us as we explore it all together in our new series, “From Root to Fruit”.

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