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Series: What if Jesus Was Serious? (The Sermon on the Plain)

Series Details

What if Jesus Was Serious? (The Sermon on the Plain)

June 12, 2022 - July 10, 2022

When you read what Jesus said and take a look at what he did – spending time with the poor and the outcast, giving generously to those in need, being relentlessly hard on religious hypocrisy while being relentlessly gracious towards religious outsiders…it’s not hard to see that sometimes the words and actions of Jesus followers simply don’t follow Jesus. Sometimes we get accused of taking Jesus too seriously – but really – maybe we haven’t take him seriously enough. So in this series, we’re going to look at a few key things that Jesus said, and ask the question – “what if Jesus was serious?” If he was, things would be a lot different. So whether you’re a follower of Jesus or not, we would love for you to come and explore this question with us.

Messages: 5

Messages in What if Jesus Was Serious? (The Sermon on the Plain)

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