December 31, 2023
Series: Tidings of Comfort & Joy
We typically don’t associate “fear” with Christmas…it’s usually more of a Halloween thing…but as we see this morning, the birth… read more
December 24, 2023
Series: Tidings of Comfort & Joy
Speaker: Matt Agresti
Christmas is a season of bells. They alert us to what we need to be alerted to. When the bells… read more
December 10, 2023
Series: Tidings of Comfort & Joy
Topic: Advent, Christmas, Exile, Redemption, Resurrection, Suffering
We all go through seasons of life that seem like a waste, or that are filled with pain, or that… read more
December 3, 2023
Series: Tidings of Comfort & Joy
Speaker: Matt Agresti
Have you ever been ‘forgotten’ about? It’s a horrible experience – one of the things we fear the most, actually…. read more
November 26, 2023
Series: Tidings of Comfort & Joy
Speaker: Matt Agresti
Topic: Advent, Christmas, Exile, Following Jesus, God With Us, Good News, Hope, Jesus, Salvation
Simeon had been waiting for all of his life – and his people waited another 500 or so years on… read more
January 22, 2023
Series: What In The World?
Speaker: Matt Agresti
Topic: Abraham, Church, Covenant, Creation, Exile, Exodus, Following Jesus, God With Us, God's Love, Jesus, Mission, Moses, Prophets, Vision
In this message, we kick off the “What in the World?” series by looking at the big, big, big picture…. read more
January 15, 2023
Series: Rise Up And Build
Speaker: Matt Agresti
Topic: Exile, Fear, God, God With Us, Live by Faith, Mission, Vision
Book: Haggai
The good old days are called that because they’re good. But what happens when the good old days get in… read more
January 8, 2023
Series: Rise Up And Build
The amazing thing about Nehemiah being the person God used to rebuild and restore Jerusalem is that he was a… read more
January 1, 2023
Series: Rise Up And Build
Speaker: Matt Agresti
Topic: Exile, God With Us, God's Love, Known by Love, Live by Faith, Mission, Vision, Voice of Hope
Book: Nehemiah
Most new year resolutions fail, but God’s vision does not. As we begin to seek out God’s vision for our… read more