From the Pastor's Desk Pray For Your Part…

Pray For Your Part…

Last Sunday, we continued in our “Rise Up & Build” series on discovering a future vision together for Central. Over and over again, it’s been made clear to me that what we need to do – first and foremost, and more than anything else – is pray. Pray for God to make a vision known and clear to us. Pray for God to put a burden on our heart like He did for Nehemiah. Pray that God would give us courage, success, wisdom, inspiration, and for him to bring the right people to Central for us to ‘rise up and build’ together.

I hope and trust that you’ve already started praying in this direction.  Please continue to do so. We need it.

But today, based off of what I talked about on Sunday, I want you to focus your prayer efforts also on yourself…on YOUR unique role in God’s mission here at Central – whatever form that might take in the future. I want you to pray for your own part in it.

Like Nehemiah, you’ve got a unique position and opportunity to serve God.

So pray about that. Pray about gaining clarity on what that might be. Pray for eyes to see the position and opportunity you do have. Pray for confidence in God to work though you. Pray for courage to serve in ways that you might not have served before.

Like Nehemiah, you might feel under-equipped, under-gifted, or under-utilized.

Pray about that as well. Pray that God would reveal new gifts in you. Pray that God would remind you of gifts long forgotten. Pray that God would strengthen the gifts you know you have. Pray that God would show you the place you can serve mightily.

Like Nehemiah, you may feel nervous about what’s next.

Pray about that too. Pray that God would give you peace. Pray that God would give you courage for what’s ahead. Pray that God would remind you that even though things might change, God never does. Pray that God would continue to grow your faith deeper and wider.

Like Nehemiah, and as a follower of Christ, you have work to do. We all do.

Pray about that. The work for Nehemiah was so clear: rebuild the broken city walls and gates. The work for us is not so clear, so pray for clarity in our part to play. Pray for clarity for your part.

Pray, pray, pray.

Thank you,

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