Upcoming at Central…
I hope you’re able to enjoy this beautiful week. Get outside, go for a walk, sit in the sun!
We started our week off here at Central with our yearly participation in the Atlantic Highlands Memorial Day Parade. It was a great time. It was so encouraging to see all of us in our blue shirts, putting a visible and public face to our church. We had a chance to meet and engage with more people from town, give out candy, and spread the spirit of generosity that is so prevalent in this church. It was a nice moment of public witness.
Thank you for your participation in it!
I want to take a moment to tell you about two upcoming Sundays that I’m very excited about – and I want you to know about (and be excited for too!).
Next Sunday (June 11th), we’ll be welcoming a few folks from Jersey Shore Rescue Mission to share their stories of what God is doing through JSRM to transform their lives. JSRM is a ministry that we decided to support this year, as it connects so closely with the Kingdom of God coming on earth as it is in heaven (JSRM is a ‘life boat of hope’ – meeting immediate needs for the homeless and hungry population, as well as meeting long-term needs by helping men overcome struggles with addiction, homelessness, and poverty – all in the name of Christ). I want to encourage you to make every attempt to be there for that! It could also be a fantastic week to invite people who might want to hear more about their ministry, as well as our call to be a voice of hope for the voiceless.
Then, the Sunday after that (June 18th), we’ll be hosting “Onwards & Upwards” day! This is a day to celebrate and pray for all of our graduates at different levels, as well as gift age-appropriate bibles to all of the kids who are a part of Central (Yes, I know it is Father’s Day – but what better way to actually BE ‘fathers’ for these graduates and kids than by using ‘our’ day for them to raise them in faith…that’s the essence of what it means to be a father!). So if you have a graduate at home, or a grand/child who is in need of a ‘next-step-up’ bible, please make sure to bring them along on the 18th! We’d love to have and celebrate them!