
When I asked my sons, Luke and Jacob, what I should write about for this month's blog they began to rattle off a slew of silly things, then Luke said, “you should write about Wonka.” “Yeah! We just watched that at our Youth Group movie night, it’s perfect,” exclaimed Jacob. At first I chuckled as they continued their list of silly things. But I couldn’t shake it. It did seem perfect. Not just because we switched our movie at Central Youth’s movie

A guest blog by Shawn Blythe. As we enter the book of Romans in our Bible readings, I am struck by one of the opening items in Paul’s greeting.  He starts his letter with “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God”. In particular, I was drawn to Paul’s statement that he was “called” to be an apostle.  Most of us know the story of Paul’s conversion and Christ’s direct intervention

As I discussed in last week’s email, last Sunday we had the privilege of visiting Dinner Church at First Baptist of Red Bank. If you missed that email, you can read it here, but essentially, Dinner Church is a ministry of FBC Red Bank where they put on two meals per week for anyone and everyone in town who is lacking for food and/or human connection. The hope is to form relationships with the attendees that can lead to new or growing relationships

As you may or may not know, this Sunday is the next “ABCNJ North Shore Rally”.  'What is that?', you might be asking….good question. Should I consider attending it? Even better question. Why? The best question. So here’s some answers. What is it?Central is an “American Baptist Church” – that's the “ABC” in the title of the rally. Since we are in New Jersey, we are a member of the ABCNJ (the NJ chapter of the ABC). And, the ABCNJ is

On Monday, I was reminded of something that we all need to be reminded of at times:  People are great.  Like, when you really get to know a person – most people – if not all - are great. But so often we don’t get to know them, and so we misjudge and miss it. I was reminded of this on Monday at a funeral that I had the privilege of being a part of. It was for a woman named Courtney who was

By Rebecca DeLucia, Next Generation Pastor Over spring break last week my 5 year old nephew came to visit. We took him to the Planetarium and the show we saw was about two kids searching for answers about space. Questions ranged from, “How far away is the sun?” to “What is it like to be an astronaut?”  The final question they needed to answer was, “What makes Earth so special?” It cutely used the answers to

Hello! I hope you’re staying dry and cheery in a week that is wet and dreary (ok, that’s enough rhyming…).  Last Sunday was Easter – and it was a great one! Our own service was lovely – as was our Good Friday service. It was so nice to be with you to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord.  But I want to just highlight the sunrise service for a moment. If you didn’t brave the alarm clock to get

A guest blog by Shawn Blythe There may be no more poignant reminder of the ways by which we cross paths with our Savior than the story of Simon of Cyrene.  His intersection with Christ was unlikely and under the most unimaginable circumstances. Cyrene was approximately 800 miles from Jerusalem – a journey that would take approximately one month to complete by land.  It was a pilgrimage that was likely only undertaken a handful of times over the course of a

A guest blog by Shawn Blythe The events of the Thursday before the crucifixion centered around the Passover meal that has come to be known as ‘The Last Supper’.   The events of that evening were among the most momentous events in all of history was going to happen but, apart from Jesus, no one—not even those directly involved—had a clear understanding of the implications.   While we typically focus on the attendees of the meal, there are a number of others who

Well, it’s here: Easter week! We had a great Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt on Sunday. To all who helped run things, welcome and direct people, run games and crafts, set up and clean up – THANK YOU. We welcomed in over 100 kids and their families to our building, and got to connect with a lot of them. It was a great afternoon. Thank you for using your time, gifts, and energy to serve how you did.  Amazing!This

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