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Yesterday I got the chance to attend the Orange Tour, a conference which brings together thought leaders from all over the country to discuss doing ministry both for and with the next generation. This year the conference was called "See you Tomorrow" and focused on how we can help kids and teenagers build a faith that will last, how we can help a generation become confident enough to keep following Jesus even when their expectations are not met, because "tomorrow

I’ve been thinking more about what I spoke about on Sunday (ie, the first of the four soils from the parable of the sower). I introduced the idea that the main reason the soil of our hearts becomes hardened is because we stop listening to God, and instead, listen to others’ voices. That’s Satan’s strategy for ruining our lives and unfortunately, it’s very effective – and it always has been. We see it working as far back as the Garden

Imagine, for a moment, that you were retiring from a career, or moving out of a town, or leaving a church community, or even just moving on to a new phase of life. If you could write a farewell address, what would it say? What would you want to say about your time there, that you’re now leaving behind? What impact would you be leaving behind in your wake?  Or, what would your legacy be? In the men’s bible study this morning,

Yesterday, the women’s bible study got (re)started for the new year. It was great to be back with some of the women from Central, praying and studying Scripture together. If you’re a woman and are free from 10:30-12:00 on Tuesday mornings, we’d love to have you!  This week, we picked up where we had left off before the summer in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 14 (I promise we’ll finish Mark eventually!). One of my favorite stories is in that chapter:

September is here, football starts (tomorrow!), it still feels like summer, and…school is starting up! If you have kids in school, if you’re a teacher, or if you remember having kids in school, it’s always a busy time of year. There’s a lot of energy, anticipation, anxiety, tears, and everything in-between.  So as we did last year, let’s start off this year right…with prayer.   Jesus said that we should concern ourselves with these “little ones” (Mark 9:36-37, 42) – so as

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