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Research being done around Generation Z shows us that Emerging Adults (EAs) primarily care about three core things: identity, belonging and purpose.  The goal of TEAM (The Emerging Adult Mission) is to be a missional community that meets all three of these desires. Before I break down what those three things mean to EAs and how TEAM aims to meet them it's important to define what a missional community is. Very simply a missional community is a group of people who

I’ve been reading a few different authors and their take on The Lord’s Prayer as I’ve prepared for the “We Need to Talk” series. The one I keep coming back to though, is N.T. Wright. So for today’s Central Thoughts, rather than give you my thoughts – I’ll just give you his…because sometimes other people’s thoughts are better than my own.  Talking about what we covered in Sunday’s message (take a moment to read this carefully!),  What then might it mean

During the time of Jesus (and his teaching of the Lord’s Prayer), it was common for sons to learn the trade of their fathers – to be apprenticed in their father’s vocation – so that as they grew, they could follow in their dad’s footsteps, learn the trade, and essentially, establish their vocation in life.As New Testament scholar and theologian, N.T. Wright, points out in his book “The Lord and His Prayer”, for Jesus to address God in prayer as “Father”

If I’m being honest (and I always try to be…sometimes a little too honest!), I’ve never been great with prayer. I pray, and I am ok with it - but it’s never been a ‘strength’ for me. I’ve known people – maybe like you – who are great with prayer, as they have rich, deep, filling prayer lives. That's so awesome.   But it’s not natural. And Jesus knew it.  It’s why he had to teach us to pray. In fact, in Luke’s

Like so many of you, I woke up this weekend to see the news reports of the horrors taking place in Israel, and subsequently, in Gaza. As I’ve read the reports and have seen the images coming out of the terrorist attack and resulting war,   I am reminded of humanity’s amazingly horrible capacity for cruelty.  In the women’s bible study on Tuesday morning, we prayed for those involved in the conflict – and then went on to study the bible. We happened

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