We Need to Talk
If I’m being honest (and I always try to be…sometimes a little too honest!), I’ve never been great with prayer. I pray, and I am ok with it – but it’s never been a ‘strength’ for me. I’ve known people – maybe like you – who are great with prayer, as they have rich, deep, filling prayer lives. That’s so awesome.
But it’s not natural. And Jesus knew it.
It’s why he had to teach us to pray. In fact, in Luke’s account of “the Lord’s Prayer” (Luke 11:1-4), Luke tells us that once when Jesus was praying, he then wrapped up, and one of his followers who was looking on said to him,
“Lord, teach us to pray…”
Because it’s not natural. We need to learn how to pray. And that’s what the Lord’s Prayer is: it is Jesus’ teaching on how to pray.
So starting this Sunday, together as a church, we’re going to listen to Jesus as he teaches us how to pray. It’s not natural, but, and this is worth knowing: it’s also not complicated. At the core of what prayer is, it’s just talking with God…and like with every good relationship, communication is at the heart of it.
So this week, we’ll kick off our new series on prayer called, “We Need to Talk”.
I hope that you can be there to learn alongside us as we journey after Jesus together.
And speaking of the journey of following Jesus, listen to what Will Willimon and Stanley Hauerwas have said about this journey in their book on the Lord’s Prayer:
“By praying the Lord’s Prayer, we are being made into a people whose journey is a sign to the world that God has not abandoned the world to its own devices but is present as a people on the move, a people moving out of their old ways and means, ordinary people who have been given the extraordinary authority to be part of the divine assault upon the realm of evil … The journey is dangerous.”
It’s why We Need to Talk with God, and it’s why we need to learn to do it from Jesus himself. Join us as we do!