More Than Just a Picnic.
This past Sunday was our yearly church picnic…but this one was a little different, and in my mind, it was such an amazing event. Here’s why…
This year, we decided to do what we normally do at the picnic – food, games, good time together – but there was one big difference: we did it in the middle of town at the harbor in Atlantic Highlands. We invited anyone who was walking by to grab some free chili or hot dogs, play yard games with us, and just hang out – and it was fantastic.
We had a chance to meet a number of high school kids, hang out with some new families, and meet some folks who seemed to really appreciate – and need – the time together.
What was a fairly regular church picnic became so much more than that: it became a highly successful outreach event.
There were three simple factors to why it worked so well, and they’re worth paying attention to.
First, location.
Just by being the church – in public – it gave us a chance to meet new people and share a bit of the joy and life of Christian community with them. I walked away thinking that we – the church (both our church and other churches!) – should do more of this kind of thing. More parties in public, more small group discussion in public, more worship in public (gazebo services!!!).
If we want to truly follow Jesus (“As the Father sent me, so I send you” – John 20:21), the church is most deeply what it is meant to be when it is stepping outside of itself to engage with the world around – the world that God loves.
Second, you.
You were kind to strangers. You hung out with people you didn’t know. You were helpful to those who needed it. You went outside of your comfort zone to engage with new people. You invited people to join us. You served them food. It was awesome. It was love, in action. As one person put it (and it’s what we want to be known by!),
“they have seen first-hand the love and care that Central Baptist Christians have for each other and those in our community.”
Third, you (again).
You lifted heavy tables and set up chairs. You cooked chili and desserts at home. You cooked burgers (without an open flame!). You organized kick-ball. You put out tablecloths. You did all kinds of un-seen things. It, too, was awesome. It was a beautiful moment of the church being what it was supposed to be: one body, many members. Everyone did something, as each had an important role (whether big and out-front, or smaller and hidden).
The eye did not say to the hand, “I have no need of you” (1 Cor. 12).
The entire picnic exemplified the true purpose of the church: to exist, not first for itself, but first, for the Kingdom of God coming on earth as it is in heaven – for the sake of the world that God so deeply loves.
I took such hope and encouragement from it, as I truly was inspired by you. Let’s keep it up as we move into the fall!