From the Pastor's Desk New Series: Better Than You Think

New Series: Better Than You Think

In life, we all form some view of God. Whether or not we even believe in God, there’s always some view, some image, some idea of the God who we do – or don’t – believe in. Right?

We’re not born with it. It’s not something that is innate in us, nor obvious, nor instinctual. We need to learn it, be taught it, and really, have it revealed to us (by God Himself!). 

When you reflect on your life, where did your “image” of God come from?

The reality is, it forms in our minds over time from all kinds of sources: from the church we did (or didn’t) grow up in, from culture at large, from our families, from our own seeking, from the ‘ether’, from our experiences (both positive and negative), from books, movies, podcasts, and from everywhere in-between.

For so many of you, the image of God that you have in your mind has been formed over time as you have been part of Central Baptist. People like Pastor George and Pastor Dale have done a good, faithful job shepherding the formation of that image in you (and really, God has faithfully revealed himself in and through people like them – and people like you to one another!). It’s a huge blessing for you (and for me, to ‘stand’ on their shoulders!).

But for so many others (and even for some of us as we drift through life like we tend to do), the image of God that exists in their head can be sort of mal-formed, de-formed, or at best, un-formed.

Think about your friends, neighbors, or co-workers who haven’t stepped foot in a church in years, or who want little if anything to do with faith and God. There’s a good chance that their view of the God that they do or don’t believe in isn’t exactly great, probably not worth their time, and certainly not worth living for. Makes sense.

How could we blame them?
We can’t.
But we can do something about it.

That’s why, starting this week, we’re going to launch a new series to begin to get us all on the same page about who God is, and what God is like. 

And I’d like you to invite someone who you’d love to hear it.

Send a text. Write an email. Make a call. Walk next-door. Take a chance. Invite.

Here’s what we’ll hear in this series, and what I personally learned when I was younger and my view of God was pretty negative:

God is so much better than you think.

The reality is, whatever our view of God is, however it was formed (good or bad!), God is always going to be so much better than you think…so much better than you could hope for…so much better than you could imagine.  We can never stop hearing and re-hearing who God truly is.

So in this series called “Better Than You Think”, we’re going to hear – and re-hear – exactly that: how God is so much better than we think, than we hope, than we can even imagine. 

I can’t wait to see you this Sunday at 9:30 to kick things off!

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