From the Pastor's Desk An Ambitious Start!

An Ambitious Start!

I’ll say it again: happy new year! I hope that your start to the new year has been a good one. This new year at Central, we are being pretty ambitious:

kicking off three big things.

Let me briefly tell you about each. 

The first, we’ve already kicked off and I hope you’re joining us in: the Light to My Path 2025 bible reading plan. If you haven’t, now is the time to hop on. We’re not too far into the Gospel of Luke, so you can catch up easily. You can hear my reflections on the reading weekly, and check out our occasional blogs on it (like Shawn’s, which was just posted today!). If you don’t have a plan, grab one on Sunday – or you can always get it at (and read on your phone as well). 

The second, we’re launching this Sunday: the Village. To raise a child up in the faith, it takes a village, and we, as the church, are that village. We are really excited about this new initiative to connect our youngest people to older ones in faith forming relationships, and can’t wait to see what God will do through it. You’ll hear more about it this Sunday, and then have opportunities for follow up and to get involved in the coming weeks. Be there this Sunday to learn all about it!

The third, we’re launching in two weeks: the winter season of Step Groups! Our fall season of groups was great, as people grew together, learned a lot, and took steps of faith with others. We are looking forward to more of that happening this winter as we “Step In” together. We’ll be reflecting on some big ideas of the Christian faith; ideas that, if we were to truly take them “in”, would be life-changing. 

The winter ‘season’ of Step Groups will start the week of January 19 and will run through the first week of March (7 weeks).

If you were in a group this fall – and want to continue in it – I’ll be in touch with you about the winter season. If you are looking for a new group to be a part of, or haven’t joined one yet but want to for the winter, get in touch with me and we’ll find a group that works for you. They have proven an excellent way for people to grow in faith. I sincerely hope that you decide to take this step and be a part of one this winter. 

I’ve got a lot more to say about the coming year – but I’m going to keep this one short. Stay warm out there!

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