
This past Sunday, we continued our winter series called “Step In: Taking In the Message of Christ”, all about “taking in” the big ideas of Christian faith so that we can believe – and live – differently. Last week, we asked the BIG question (who is God?), and this week we asked perhaps an even more asked question: Who are we? We talked about what it means that we’re made in the “image of God”. Basically, just as an idol or statue (or image)

This past Sunday, we kicked off our new winter series called “Step In: Taking In the Message of Christ”, all about “taking in” the big ideas of Christian faith so that we can believe – and live – differently. We started with perhaps the biggest idea of all – God, and the biggest question:  Who is God?  It’s important to ask that question that way (who is God?), rather than the other way it could be asked (what is God?). God is a who – more

A guest blog by Rebecca DeLucia, our Next Generational Pastor This past Sunday we launched our newest effort to build intentional intergenerational relationships here at Central, The Village. If you missed the launch, you can watch it right here. This initiative will pair kids within the church with adults, so that we can ensure that every kid will be seen, heard, known, encouraged and prayed for.  I’ve had many encouraging conversations with people here at Central - both before and after Sunday - who

I’ll say it again: happy new year! I hope that your start to the new year has been a good one. This new year at Central, we are being pretty ambitious: kicking off three big things. Let me briefly tell you about each.  The first, we’ve already kicked off and I hope you’re joining us in: the Light to My Path 2025 bible reading plan. If you haven’t, now is the time to hop on. We’re not too far into the Gospel of Luke, so

A guest blog from Shawn Blythe, looking at a reading from last week! As we enter a new year, it is not uncommon to think about time. We think about the things we did during the last twelve-month period, and the things we will do differently in the next twelve months. However, I must admit that my thinking about time goes well beyond what some might consider healthy. I am obsessed with time. What time is it? When does it start?

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