The Tragedy of Christmas Trees
Two Sundays ago, I spoke about my family's Christmas tree – how it fell, shattered a bunch of prized ornaments, and dispersed irremovable blue glitter forever into my world…some of you have asked me how it’d doing – and I’m happy to report it is still standing, crooked, leaning backwards, a bit pathetic, but it’s there lighting up our living room! But it is dying. Christmas trees, from the moment they’re cut down, are either dead or dying (however you want to
Mary’s Steps of Faith
Throughout December in the women’s bible study, we’ve been taking a careful look at the story of Mary in Luke 1, and have had some fantastic discussions. It’s a perfect Advent bible study to focus on with the women – especially in a year where we are focusing on discipleship, taking steps of faith, and learning to follow Jesus. Mary’s faith – among many other things – is a model for each of us to grow from. Before I go on, take a
The Bible is So Cool!
A blog by Rebecca DeLucia, Next Generation Pastor "The bible is so cool!" I wish I could have captured the look on the child's face as they said this on a Sunday morning. We had just finished our November series called “Unsung Heroes” which covered the book of Ruth. If you aren’t familiar with the Central Kids curriculum we use, called GROW, it has a big idea each week. For the November series the four big ideas were: God gives us companions, God gives